- Decentralized Markets (1998).
Mark de Snaijer
- On the Heterogeneity of Firms (1998).
- Credence Goods in Regulated Markets (2001).
- Capacity as a Determinant of the Supply for Physicians’ Services, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 1998.
- The Expert-Client Information Problem, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 1999.
- Competitive Pressure in a Fixed Price Market für Credence Goods, Disc. Paper, University of Bern, 1999.
- Capital Structure Decisions of Firms (2001).
Thomas Liebi
- On Labels, Consumer Trust and Unobservable Product Quality (2004).
- Trusting Labels: A Matter of Numbers?, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2002.
- Monitoring Eco-Labels: You Can Have Too Much of a Good Thing, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2002.
- The Demand for Tests, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2003.
Alain Egli
- Tie-In Sales and Horizontal Product Differentiation (2005).
- On Holders, Blades and Other Tie-In Sales, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2005.
- On Stability in Competition: Tying and Horizontal Product Differentiation, Review of Industrial Organization, 30 2007, 29-38.
- Hotelling’s Beach with Linear and Quadratic Transportation Costs: Existence of Pure Strategy Equilibria, Australian Economic Papers, 46, 2007, 39-51.
- Targeting and Persuasive Advertising, Discussion Paper, 2015.
- Fully Mixed Strategies in Auction Games (2006).
- Bertrand-Edgeworth Competition under Cost Uncertainty, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2006.
- On Chicken, War, and Other Auctions, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2006.
- On Capacity Precommitment under Cost Uncertainty, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2006.
Marc Blatter
- Hiring Costs, Open Source Signaling, and Buyer Power (2009).
- Informational Hold-Up, Disclosure Policy, and Career Concerns on the Example of Open Source Software Development, (with A. Niedermayer), 2008.
- The Costs of Hiring Skilled Workers, (with S. Mühlemann and S. Schenker), European Economic Review. 56, 2012, 20-35.
- “Optimal Leniency Programs when Firms Have Cumulative and Asymmetric Evidence”, (with W. Emons and S. Sticher), Review of Industrial Organization, 52, 2018, 403-427.
- Hiring costs for skilled workers and the supply of firm-provided training, (with S. Mühlemann, S. Schenker, and S. Wolter), Oxford Economic Papers, 68, 2016, 238-257.
- Scale effects on efficiency and profitability in the Swiss banking sector, (with A. Fuster), Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (2022) 158:12.
Philipp Ackermann
- Loyalty Rewards, Litigation under Court Error, and Pharmaceutical Price Regulation (2010).
- Loyalty Rewards and Monoploy Pricing, 2010
- Litigation and Settlement under Court Error, 2010.
- External Price Benchmarking VS. Price Negotiation for Pharmaceuticals, 2010.
Marion Fischer
- Asymmetric Information, Certification, and Labeling (2014).
- Three Essays on Prices and Selection (2014).
- “Optimal Leniency Programs when Firms Have Cumulative and Asymmetric Evidence”, (with M. Blatter and W. Emons), Review of Industrial Organization, 52, 2018, 403-427.
- Alles I.O.? Adverse Effects of Recent Policy Measures from an Industrial Organization Perspective (2021).
- Rebating Antitrust Fines to Encourage Private Damages Negotiations (with W. Emons), American Law and Economics Review, forthcoming, Winner, 2021 Antitrust Writing Awards: Articles, Academic.
- Imperfect Competition with Costly Disposal, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 82, May 2022, 102842
- Cartel Stability in Times of Low Interest Rates, Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 2021.
- “The Economics of Advice” (with W. Emons), Dept. of Economics Discussion Paper, University of Bern, 22-14.